Travel & exercise

Travel & exercise

Today’s on-the-go executive is savvy and understands that maintaining a fitness regime whilst traveling on business is important but can also be a challenge. However, a few small steps can go a long way in up keeping your routine, optimising your productivity and ensuring that you don’t return home lacking in energy and general wellbeing

Below are a few ideas on how you can stay ahead of the game by keeping in mind that a 30 minute workout is only 2% of your entire day.

Plan Ahead

Check out hotel websites before making a reservation to ensure you stay somewhere with a gym. Many hotels also offer fitness classes and / or have information on nearby running routes meaning you can explore the surrounding area whilst expelling some of those feel-good hormones! If your preferred choice of hotel has no fitness facilities, ask whether they can organise a free or discounted pass at a local gym.

Pack Smart

If you travel regularly and often at short notice, keep a bag partially packed. If you have your workout gear close to hand when doing a last-minute pack, you will be less likely to forget anything and more likely to make an effort on arrival when you unpack it at the other end!

Eat what you need

Business trips are often a calorie-laden affair with hotel breakfasts followed by executive lunches and lavish dinners. Keep the indulgence to a minimum by filling up on vegetables, salads and lean protein whenever possible. Throughout the day, keep some healthy snacks close to hand, such as almonds or dried fruit, so when hunger pangs hit, you need not resort to the vending machine. Choose the smaller plate when serving yourself food and avoid overloading. Lastly, stay well hydrated as this will keep hunger at bay and help to combat both fatigue and jet lag as one often mistakes hunger for dehydration.

Mix It Up

Don’t worry about not keeping up the same type or intensity of exercise that you would at home. Mixing it up is effective and helps keep you motivated; a 15-minute room-based session with a resistance band or skipping rope, for example, will work both your upper and lower body, giving you maximum benefits in minimum time. Alternatively, if in the gym, switch regularly between cardio and strength training to maximise the number of calories burnt.

Light & Easy

Wear quick drying workout gear whenever possible. It weighs little and can easily be washed and hung to dry in your hotel room.

Keep moving

En route to and from your destination, you can take various steps to minimise the disruption to your routine. During a long flight, get up and walk around regularly, stay well hydrated and take along some nutritious snacks. Better still, when you check in on-line, opt for a healthy meal option to cut back on the usual preservative-filled airline food.

Walk and talk

Go for a walk while you are making daily phone calls to your family, friends or assistant. If the weather is poor or safety is a concern, make a few laps around your hotel - go up the stairs to the next floor, walk all the way to the end of the hall and back, then go up to the next level.

Spend less time on social media

The average social media user logs 1 hour and 45 minutes per day on social platforms. Cut back your time on social media to one hour per day provides your the prescribed 45 minutes required for exercise.

Recent studies have show that people spend a total of 5 years and 4 months on social media during their life span. You would be able to run 10,000 marathons as a comparison!

Just another day!

Remember that despite being in a foreign city, following a different routine and living in unfamiliar surroundings, it is still another working day, part of a working week, so make an effort to practice the same habits you would during a working week at home and try to go to bed at roughly the same time. 

Armed with these tips, there really is no excuse. Countless studies have shown a positive link between keeping fit on business and your overall productivity and performance. Besides, it’ll make you feel great!

Till next time, keep moving...

If your looking for some ideas or support on keeping you or your team active please visit our website





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