10 Ways to Deal with Workplace Stress

10 Ways to Deal with Workplace Stress

Its funny how people assume that I don't have the same challenges they face when it comes to stress and time because of the industry I’m in. Let’s get one thing straight, I too have to prioritize and make time to take care of my body, mind and spirit. Otherwise, stress comes knocking on my door… and hard!

According to Forbes, the average business professional has 30 to 100 projects on their plate at any one time, with modern workers being interrupted seven times an hour and distracted up to 2.1 hours a day! To add to that, four out of 10 people working at large companies are experiencing a major corporate restructuring, and therefore facing uncertainly about their futures. (1)

People then question why they can’t sleep at night?

Work-related stress is a great threat to our health and wellbeing. We tend to constantly use it as an excuse to fuel our bad habits, be it late night unhealthy take-outs, one too many post-work drinks to wind down from the day or regular cigarette breaks to escape a fast-approaching deadline. This type of anxiety displacement’ or cognitive dissonance, only exacerbates the problem eventuating in more serious or even life threatening outcomes.

I’ve put together a few tips that I believe can help with managing stress at work.

  1. Buy some time – aim to get to work just 15 minutes earlier every day. This will ensure that you beat any potential stress from rushing to work through morning rush-hour traffic. You can then ease into your day and consult your to do list without feeling rushed and exasperated before your day has even begun.
  2. Take short breaks – a 5-minute breather can go a long way if you feel stress building up. Use this as an opportunity to move your body. Our jobs are becoming more and more sedentary, so stretch those legs and get the blood flowing. Tony Schwartz of the Energy Project has shown that if we have intense concentration for about 90 minutes, followed by a brief period of recovery, we can clear the build-up of stress and rejuvenate ourselves. (2)
  3. 20-20–20 rule – relieve strain on your hard working eyes by stopping what you’re doing. Take a couple of deep breaths every 20 minutes by looking away from your computer screen and focusing on an object 20 meters away for 20 seconds. A simple technique however extremely powerful in terms of corporate wellness
  4. Stay hydrated – at times, unexplained hunger can be a sign of dehydration. We generally don’t drink enough water. Take the time to get up every 30 minutes to fetch a cup of water or refill you water bottle.
  5. Breathe 4-7-8 – if you’ve come out of a stressful meeting or off of a long business call, try breathing in for 4 seconds, holding the breath for 7 seconds, and exhaling for 8 seconds. Repeat a few times. (3)
  6. Be clutter free – just knowing where everything is reduces stress, so keep your desk and work area organized and tidy.
  7. Get organized – create daily lists and prioritize as much as necessary. By planning your day and sticking to a schedule, you will feel more in control and less overwhelmed.
  8. Mix it up - If possible, try switching indoor meetings for a meeting on the stroll or in the café around the corner. Just ensure that it’s not distracting to do so.
  9. Stay sharp – healthy snacking throughout the day to keep that blood sugar leveled will help keep you focused and avoid cravings, hunger and being inclined to indulge in unhealthy foods.
  10. Sleep easy – adequate sleep is crucial to health and longevity. It fuels your mind and energizes your body. Make sure you prioritize sleep and ensure you are getting enough every day.
Illustration by JR Bee, Verywell

Illustration by JR Bee, Verywell

To wrap it up…

The irony is that most bad habits practiced as a result of work-related stress actually fuel the stress. By paying more attention to your physical and emotional health, you will find yourself much stronger and resilient to stress. In short, the better you feel, the better you can manage it!

  • Get Moving

Look for opportunities to move at work and try including some aerobic exercise into your routine before or after work to get the blood pumping and release endorphins.

  • Eat Well

Make food choices that energize you and fuel your body to deal with what your day throws at you. Eat small but frequent meals – keep those sugar levels up and avoid too much red meat, and any soft drinks, sweets, cakes and caffeine. Remember food puts stress on the body too.

  • Clear your head space

Is your mind full or is it mindful? Clear the clutter and get organized. Preempt the negatives by getting into the mantra of being pro-active instead of reactive.

Remember, it’s all about a lifestyle!

Keep moving...

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(1) https://www.forbes.com/sites/jennagoudreau/2013/03/20/12-ways-to-eliminate-stress-at-work/#15ed48c67f29

(2) https://theenergyproject.com/team/tony-schwartz/

(3) https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/324417.php

Disclaimer: Please note the article does not create a doctor/patient relationship. The information provided is not meant to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. All the text is informational and for educational purposes only. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified mental health provider with any questions regarding a medical condition. Do not disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read above. Any advice or information provided is on an “as-is” basis. No warranties either expressed or implied, are made on the information provided.

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